National Museum: between ruin and restoration




Architectural project, Architectural heritage, National Museum


This article aims to analyze the architectural proposals awarded in the Museu Nacional Vive project competition, organized in 2020 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) to recompose the building after the fire that occurred in September 2018. The analysis of the responses given to the problem of restoring the historic building, as well as the suggestions expressed in the tender notice, is  focused on identifying the degree to which these solutions make use of the heritage field repertoire, observing contemporary needs and readability in safeguarding the cultural asset under discussion. The questions, therefore, that emerge on the surface of the analyzes are evidenced by the questions: Is the Museu Nacional/UFRJ a ruin? To what extent do the solutions designed by the architects dialogue with the expression of the heritage defended by the Nara Conference (1994)? How are heritage values understood as inseparable from cultural manifestations, unique in their own characteristics, from collective memory values and, therefore, from the intangible meanings that guard heritage? Based on these questions, it is intended to shed light on the restoration of a monument that carries human contributions from different periods of the formation of the national identity, as well as its scientific function as the headquarters of the Museu Nacional, the first institution of this nature in the country.


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Author Biographies

  • Renan Santana, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

    Architect and Urbanist from UFRRJ (2023). Member of the Research Group on Expression, Representation and Analysis of Form in Architecture and Urbanism. Scientific Initiation Scholarship in the researches Comparative Readings on Brazilian Architectural Modernity and The visual narratives of the tile panel of the old refectory of the Rural University, unfolded in an article at the III International and Interdisciplinary Congress on Cultural Heritage and in a work presented at the IX Annual Meeting of Initiation Scientific at UFFRJ, awarded with Mention in the area of ​​Applied Social Sciences.

  • Helio Herbst, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / PROARQ/UFRJ

    Associate Professor III of the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Researcher at the Graduate Program in Architecture (PROARQ/FAU/UFRJ). Architect and Urbanist (1990), Specialist (1996), Master (2002) and Doctor (2007) from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU/USP). Bachelor of Philosophy (2018) from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Scholarship holder in the specialization (CNPq) and master's (FAPESP) stages. Author of the mapping of contemporary Brazilian architectural production for a cultural exchange project between Brazil and the Netherlands (2008), at the request of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brazil and through SICA - Stichting Internationale Cultural Activeiten, based in Amsterdam. Co-author and editor of "Ten years of architecture in the countryside: paths and perspectives of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro", published by EDUR (2011). Author of "Throughout the halls of the biennials, architecture absent from manuals: contributions to Brazilian historiography 1951-1959", published by Annablume/ FAPESP (2011). Leader of GERAR - Research Group on Expression, Representation and Analysis of Form in Architecture and Urbanism (IT/UFRRJ). Additionally, participates in other research groups also certified by CNPq: NUPAM - Fluminense Heritage, Architecture and Memory Center (IM/UFRRJ), GMP - Museum / Heritage Group (FAU/USP) and LabLugares (PROARQ/FAU/UFRJ), with which he develops the research "The construction of narratives about architectural modernity: the meaning of mural art in five university cities in the American continent". Between January 2018 and December 2021, he is on the board of DOCOMOMO BRASIL, headquartered at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ, being responsible for editing the quarterly bulletin Docomemos. Between December 2020 and December 2021, he carries out a postdoctoral internship at FAU/USP and at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - ISCTE-IUL.


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Cultural Heritage

How to Cite

Santana, R., & Herbst, H. (2023). National Museum: between ruin and restoration. Revista CPC, 18(36), 210-238.