Architecture preservation: theory, law and practice


  • Isis Salviano Roverso Soares
  • Claudia Terezinha de Andrade Oliveira



Architecture preservation, Maintenance, Vila Penteado.


In the restoration field, the preservation word comprises since the intention of safeguard the architectural monument, passing through specific studies, and analyzes of the
disciplinary field, until to meet with the practical actions interventions in the historical monuments. That means, the preservation includes the own meaning of the restoration
theory and goes to the practical actions into the most variable scales.
The dialogue lack between the practical actions and the restoration theory goes the architectural heritage to a risk situation: in on one side missing preventive maintenance
actions, on the other the interventions done, sometimes, are devoid of own theoretical structure of restoration disciplinary field.
It is necessary to smooth the way between theory and practice. For this, some initiatives are welcome, among them the spread of the preservation culture and the clarification on
the own preservations concepts of the area, including its meaning.
The transition between the theory and the preservation practice would be facilitated if were possible to have a legislation coherent with the restoration disciplinary field fundamentals.
An example of the gap between theory and the preservation is the traditional graphic presentation of the building systems, which does not address the existents conflict situation, it means, in the building maps is not possible to verify the three-dimensional interferences which goes to a simplified solution. The result, at the time of execution of
works, many contingencies arise, something that could be identified in the cadastral survey and documentation of the work.

To discuss this issue, we selected the electrical installation project of the Vila Penteado
building, presenting, the actual situation and the development of the revised project.


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Preservation and Restoration

How to Cite

Soares, I. S. R., & Oliveira, C. T. de A. (2013). Architecture preservation: theory, law and practice. Revista CPC, 15, 137-162.