Os custos e o financiamento do programa brasileiro de seguro-desemprego


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Unemployment insurance, Unemployment, Assistance to the unemployed


This paper deals with an estimating of the financial costs and a proposal to the Financing of the Brazilian Program for Unemployment Insurance. The estimations are based upon an application and/or modification on the mainly parameters of the program. The paper also brings together the necessity that the costs of the program must be observed through the economical cicle perspective. About financing, the utilization of the patrimonial funds, as a source of means, is proposed, what is already foreseen on the new Constitution.


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1989). Os custos e o financiamento do programa brasileiro de seguro-desemprego. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 19(1), 75-107. https://www.revistas.usp.br/ee/article/view/157592