Migrações internas e a distribuição regional da renda no Brasil: 1970-1980


  • Pt Pt Author


Internal migrations, Regional income distribution


This work is an attempt to update for the 705 the results of interstate migration presented in an earlier work by the author and Douglas Graham. Results obtained through the methodology used In the work I cited (indirect measuring using national survival rates) are compared to estimates obtained through alternative methods (indirect measuring using specific survival rates for the natives of each state, and direct measuring), made feasible by the availability of more extensive information found in the recent censuses. The advantages and limitations of each type of measure are discussed. Finally, the calculated migration rates are related to regional income distribution indexes for the beginning of the decade.


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1989). Migrações internas e a distribuição regional da renda no Brasil: 1970-1980. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 19(3), 389-416. https://www.revistas.usp.br/ee/article/view/157610