Perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho brasileiro ao longo da próxima década


  • Ricardo Paes de Barros Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada Author
  • Miguel Foguel Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada Author
  • Rosane Mendonça Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada Author


labour market, skilled and unskilled workers, unemployment rate, wage level


In this study we project how the Brazilian labour market should develop during the next
ten years (until the year 2005). In particular, it is interesting for us to see what shall
happen with the wage level and unemployment rate for skilled and unskilled workers.
We first forecast the evolution of labour demand and supply for the two types of worker
(skilled and unskilled), assuming that the wage level remains constant. Secondly, given
the prospects for labour deficit and surplus, we determine how this will be adjusted on
the labour market, evaluating how the wage level and unemployment rate will be
modified in order to return to the balance of the labour market, supposing that this will
be maintained during the next ten years along a given wage curve.


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How to Cite

Barros, R. P. de, Foguel, M., & Mendonça, R. (1997). Perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho brasileiro ao longo da próxima década. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 27(Especial), 7-36.