Science curriculum: stability and change in textbooks


  • Maria Margarida Gomes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Sandra Escovedo Selles Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Alice Casimiro Lopes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Sciences curriculum, History of school disciplines, Curriculum approaches, Curriculum and stability, Curriculum change


This study focuses on aspects related to the contents present in Science textbooks during the period between the 1970s and 2000s. Based on questions that seek to understand how the valuation of ecological knowledge has taken place socio-historically in the curricula of this discipline, the analysis gives priority to the relations established between such knowledge and other themes also taught. For that, the ecology contents selected for teaching are considered as resulting from aspects related to the scientific production in biological ecology, to the teaching of Sciences, to the educational field and to environmental movements. Thus, with the intent of understanding the inclusion of ecological knowledge in Brazilian curricula in Sciences, we identify curriculum approaches articulated with the selection of teaching contents, and we investigate the relations established between this knowledge and other themes from this school discipline in textbooks targeted at primary education. Drawing mainly from discussions by Ivor Goodson, we detail the socio-historical trajectory of Sciences curricula through an interdependent relationship between patterns of stability and of change. We argue that ecology contents are introduced, causing change, whilst inserting themselves in a pattern of stability. Under such perspective, materials are treated as important historic sources to understand the school curriculum production developed in the period under study.


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How to Cite

Science curriculum: stability and change in textbooks. (2013). Educação E Pesquisa, 39(2), 477-492.