Does the quality of the home environment influence the functional abilities of children in early childhood?




Children, Functionality, Home


The literature associates child development
with the quality of the environment stimulation. However,
few studies verify if this is associated with the infant’s
functional abilities. This study aims to assess which
opportunities in the home environment are associated
with functional mobility skills and social function of infants
in early childhood and explain them. This is a cross-sectional
and exploratory study with 74 infants between six and
18 months old. The affordances in the home environment
motor development – infant scale instrument was used
to evaluate the opportunities in the home environment.
The pediatric evaluation of disability inventory was used
to assess the infants’ functional abilities. We observed
that infants’ mobility can be explained in 45.6% (Adjusted
R²=0.45) and social function in 30% (Adjusted R²=0.30) by
the amount of gross motor skills toys, equipment and variety
of stimulation in the home environment. We concluded
that positions, toys and materials that keep the infant more
restricted and less active have a negative influence. On the other hand, toys that offer greater displacement and interaction
favor the functional mobility skills and social function.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Does the quality of the home environment influence the functional abilities of children in early childhood?. (2022). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 29(2), 196-202.