This is an outdated version published on 2023-05-03. Read the most recent version.

Visibilidade, influência e consumo: o processo de formação da opinião pública de marcas por meio das redes de hiperconexão digital




Visibilidade, Agenda-Setting, Publicidade de Marcas, Opinião Pública


This article addresses the representation of organizations in digital hyperconnected networks, considering the social conceptions in their active character, both in people's minds and in the media, and to do so, it is based on a bibliographic survey and multiple case analysis to present, through a theoretical path based on the concepts of visibility (SILVA; BARICHELLO, 2006) and hyperconnection (TERRA, 2019) Vand reflecting the influence of brand advertising on the formation of the public agenda through interaction with the digital social media agenda (ZIMMERMANN, 2022). Based on authors such as Thompson (2008, 2018), Keen (2012), Stasiak (2014), Éric Sadin (2015), Lindstrom (2016), Dominique Vinck (2016), Loh (2019), Sodré (2021), it tangents the spectrum from big data to small data, from the perspective of algorithms as gatewatching and gatekeeping. And problematizes the narrative frames guided by advertising as framing and priming, proposed as the second level of agenda-setting. In this scenario where algorithms are responsible for directing messages to specific audiences, brand advertising to get on the agenda needs to be aligned in its discourse and practice. In conclusion, it pays attention to thinking about future perspectives, without neglecting the omens of the metaverse, in which brand advertising and its digital agendas are placed.


2023-05-03 — Updated on 2023-05-03




Artigos Científicos

How to Cite

Visibilidade, influência e consumo: o processo de formação da opinião pública de marcas por meio das redes de hiperconexão digital. (2023). Interface Communication Review , 1(1).