Cultural identity and artificial intelligence: an analysis of images of popular Brazilian festivals generated by the Midjourney platform


  • Diogo Cortiz da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Leonardo Braga Nobre Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Tatiana Amaral Silva Ladeia Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina
  • Luís Eduardo Alonso Viegas Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais



Artificial intelligence, Cultural identity, Popular parties, Brazilian culture, Midjourney


Artificial intelligence has played a significant changing role in today's society. The objective of this work is to analyze whether generative artificial intelligence systems, especially Midjourney, capture and recreate, in an authentic way, cultural representations. The methodology adopted was Peirce's semiotics, the choice was made because semiotics can assist in the mechanisms of constructing meanings. The results obtained show that generative artificial intelligence systems still cannot, when it comes to cultural representation, be faithful to the elements of cultural identity. Therefore, it is concluded that the systems, when generating digital content about the festivities researched, are unable to eliminate bias and end up creating images that do not represent them.


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Artigos Científicos

How to Cite

Cultural identity and artificial intelligence: an analysis of images of popular Brazilian festivals generated by the Midjourney platform. (2023). Interface Communication Review , 1(2), 85-106.