The Creation Processes derived from Crônica de Nuremberg and the Loop Quantum Gravitaty (GQL)




Loop Quantum Gravitation, Nuremberg Chronicle, Genesis, Creation processes, Vilém Flusser, Artificial intelligence


In the first part of the article, I compare the processes of creation underlined by the fifteenth-century cartoonist-writer in the Nuremberg Chronicle, commenting on the first Genesis creation narrative, with the discoveries of looping quantum gravity, and underline the similarity of positions of God and the artist or writer.

In the second part, I read the second Genesis creation narrative with Vilhém Flusser via Pfutzenreuter-Spinelli insisting on the opposition between the improbability and the amount of information in divine creation and artistic or literary creation, and opposing the answers of ChatGPT.

In the third part, I recall the possible confusion between artistic creation and the invention of art by artificial intelligence, I suggest collaboration between the two instances and with the help of the wheel of writing, I point out the differences.


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Author Biography

  • Philippe Leon Marie Willemart, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Professor Titular, Laboratório do Manuscrito Literário, Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Willemart, P. L. M. (2023). The Creation Processes derived from Crônica de Nuremberg and the Loop Quantum Gravitaty (GQL). Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 51, 190-208.