Global South: a political agenda to understand communication?




Global South, epistemology of south, communication, Latin-American school, decolonial


In recent years the idea of the global south has become more visible in many media and communication publications, especially in the context of the global north. Based on this premise, this article proposes to present the main lines employed under the global south's idea, and, therefore, discuss its appropriation by the field of communication, in the light of Ibero-American communicology. Finally, it is stressed to what extent the global south represents a political agenda, able to articulate dialogues between the Ibero-American communicational production - epistemic and methodological traditions- and the agenda of the global north, its limitations, and potentialities from the experience of a researcher subjected to both logics.


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Author Biography

  • Luiz Peres-Neto, Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona

    Professor Lector Serra Húnter no Departamento de Jornalismo e Ciências da Comunicação e pesquisador do Instituto da Comunicação (InCom).


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How to Cite

Peres-Neto, L. (2024). Global South: a political agenda to understand communication?. MATRIZes, 18(1), 127-143.