Call for papers Dossier 44 |Communication, Organizations and Artificial Intelligence: impacts, generative systems and data use


Year 2024 - Number 44 (January-April)
Deadline for full paper submission: December 15th 2023
Dossier theme: Communication, Organizations and Artificial Intelligence: impacts, generative systems and data use


The debate related to the effects, progress and challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), here understood in a broad sense, has been engaging academia, the media, and the market. We can say that we are experiencing, once again, a moment of disruption and transformation in the ways we communicate, relate and transact. Society enters that digitalization stage where machinic systems emerge from the consolidated supporting role for a sharing of protagonism with the social being. The field of Communication, due to its centrality of action and its epistemological transversality, is directly impacted by the narrowing of man-machine relations. Communicative processes, when acting in the field of organizations, whether in relationships with their audiences, brands, image and corporate narratives, are faced with decisions that involve, for example, the use of structured data about the business environment, the implementation of intelligent (and artificial) systems to correlate this data to the strategies, the delegation of routine activities to an algorithmic "robot", the use of generative intelligent systems - like ChatGPT and Bard - which, due to their abilities to absorb information, end up assuming communication significantly autonomous.

Organicom, aware of the transformative scenario, proposes to discuss what is currently underway by organizations and academic studies on the use of intelligent systems in their communication and public relations strategies. And, especially, it proposes a discussion about the future applicability of this ultra-digitalized panorama, questioning effects, consequences and needs for PR and Communication professionals in general.

As pillars of interest, but not limited to them, we point out:

• Ethical, legal and practical issues within the scope of Organizational Communication and PR;
• Use of data, Big Data, algorithms, datafication and digital social media platforms;
• Generative and related systems and their uses and effects in the professional day-to-day of the Organizational Communication and Public Relations area;
• Impacts on the training and skills of communication professionals;
• Uses, practices, alternatives, possibilities, opportunities, advantages, as well as consequences, implications, risks and issues;
• Aspects of transforming identities, branding, and narratives through the use of avatars, automated systems for dialogue with audiences, and the construction of influential personas.

The works may be theoretical in nature, but may also include case studies, professional practices, reflections on the impacts and risks of using AI, contributing and expanding the understanding of this field in constant evolution, dynamism and volatility.


SAAD, Elizabeth. Comunicação organizacional contemporânea: o paradigma da digitalização. PAULUS: Revista de Comunicação da FAPCOM, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 12, 2023. DOI: 10.31657/rcp.v6i12.631. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 ago. 2023.

SANTAELLA, Lúcia. Há como deter a invasão do ChatGPT? São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2023A.

SANTAELLA, Lúcia. A inteligência artificial é inteligente? São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2023B.

TERRA, C. F., & RAPOSO, J. F. Relações Públicas e Comunicação orientadas aos dados: realidade ou necessidade contemporânea? Revista Interfaces Da Comunicação, 1(1), 1-14, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em 22 ago. 2023.

Deadline for submitting articles: 12.15.23
The texts must follow the norms of the journal, which are available at:


Elizabeth Saad, Universidade de São Paulo – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Comunicação

Carolina Frazon Terra, Universidade de São Paulo – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Comunicação