Selfie narratives made by young people




Photography, Social networks, Self concept, Young adults


This study aimed to investigate the phenomenon of selfies on social networks, identifying the meanings produced by young people about their selfies and seeking to expand the understanding about this type of photography. Structured interviews were conducted with 15 college students between 18 and 28 years old that were analyzed through “applied psychoanalysis”. The participants chose personal selfies and justified their publication on social networks. The interviews pointed to multiple meanings interacting with each other. Five narrative categories were created to reflect on the elements that appeared privileged in the interviewees' speech. The results showed aspects little or not discussed in the literature on the subject, revealing the plurality of meanings that exist in selfies. Thus, this study broadens the interpretation about the use that young people make of social networks and contributes with new insights to the work on this theme in contemporary clinical practice.


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Author Biographies

  • Isis Graziele da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doctorate’s candidate of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.

  • Daniel Kupermann, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor of the Universidade de São Paulo and a CNPq Scholarship Holder, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.


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Developmental Psychology

How to Cite

Silva, I. G. da, & Kupermann, D. (2021). Selfie narratives made by young people. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 31, e3111.