O pétreo. Notas sobre a teoria do sublime a partir do olhar do “mais alheio ao homem”


  • Hartmut Böhme




Kant, Sublime, Subject, Domination of Nature, the Other


This paper deals with Kant’s differentiation between artistic beauty and the sublime in nature. In this latter, Kant subsumes everything wild, uncultivated, inanimate and makes it – apparently – available to Aesthetics. As the quintessence of resistence, the “stone” stands for everything that remains the most estranged from the human sphere. In texts of Romantic authors such as Novalis, it can be seen how the “stone” in its turn takes possession of human beings and move them away from human nature. From Romanticism up to contemporary art, the sublime establishes thus a dominion of total alterity, which evades control and keeps consciousness alert to the fact that also in human beings there is an uncontrollable element demanding its rights.


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Author Biography

  • Hartmut Böhme
    O autor está a cargo da Cátedra de Teoria da Cultura e Diretor do Instituto de Ciências Culturais da Universidade Humboldt, Berlim.





Dossiê: Kant e a problemática do sublime

How to Cite

BÖHME, Hartmut. O pétreo. Notas sobre a teoria do sublime a partir do olhar do “mais alheio ao homem”. Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 8, p. 121–150, 2004. DOI: 10.11606/1982-8837.pg.2004.68242. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.usp.br/pg/article/view/68242.. Acesso em: 4 jun. 2024.