Revisiting Toulouse-Le Mirail:

from utopia of the present to the future in the past




Urban structures, Urban design, Modern architecture


The article discusses the conception and the recent partial demolition of the Toulouse-Le Mirail project, designed by the French office Candilis-Josic-Woods, relating it to the postwar period and to themes that emerged during discussions and meetings of Team 10. The meeting of Royaumont in 1962 is studied. In such occasion the project was presented by Georges Candilis and it was criticized for its large scale, revealing the position of authors such as Jaap Bakema, José Antonio Coderch, Fernando Távora and André Schimmerling, all present at the meeting. The method combines bibliographic research, investigation into Team 10 archives belonging to the collection of the Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, as well as an empirical component with a site visit to the work. As a result, it is questioned to what extent the architectonic and urban values ​​related to the project can be reinterpreted to support new reflections consistent with the reality of the interventions in large-scale housing settlements.


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Author Biography

  • Fabiano Borba Vianna, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Doutor em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAUUSP); Professor Assistente na Escola de Arquitetura e Design (PUCPR); Arquiteto e Urbanista no Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba (IPPUC).


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How to Cite

Vianna, F. B. (2018). Revisiting Toulouse-Le Mirail:: from utopia of the present to the future in the past. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 25(47), 34-50.