The evolution of the stage tower social and technological transformations in the development of the dramaturgy and theatre architecture


  • Daniela Tunes Zilio



Theatre architecture, history, stage tower, scenic area


The prohibition of the theatre action on the streets, in 1574, has brought to the architecture the challenge of thinking about a closed space to the practice of dramaturgy. The incorporation of the nautical technology in the spectacle room ended up developing the scenery. The spectacle rooms became the main meeting point of the French post revolution burguesy that has had its great social event in the goings to the opera. The stage tower, slowly, has been developed to guarantee the magic of the "make believe" played on the theatre. However, the Italian front theatre hegemony, despite of its positive geometry regarding to acoustic and visible subjects was intensely rejected by socialists play writers. The theatre space, when became the experiment space, has subverted the geometry and the typology pre-established, believing in that both of them could limit the experience of theatrical action. The new slopes of the theatre architecture production in Brazil invoke the construction of front typology of stage, where several artistic programs use the same physical space, using technology to minimize their limits.


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How to Cite

Zilio, D. T. (2010). The evolution of the stage tower social and technological transformations in the development of the dramaturgy and theatre architecture. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 27, 154-173.