Revitalização de Centros Urbanos o Novo Paradigma de Desenvolvimento e seu Modelo Urbanístico


  • Vicente Del Rio



We discuss the urban models and ideal images generated within the four major development paradigms that society followed since the late XIX century. Our primary concern is their implementation in the inner city: we doubt that they might be directly applicable if based whether on idealized models or on nonspecific contexts. The paradigm of revitalization proves itself viable for its flexibility and pluratity However, while we show some of its positive aspects we also point out to some of the dangers in importing models and images


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Cómo citar

Del Rio, V. (1993). Revitalização de Centros Urbanos o Novo Paradigma de Desenvolvimento e seu Modelo Urbanístico. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 4, 53-64.