Multiple expositions photographic montages in Annemarie Heinrich’s Work




Photomontages, Multiple Expositions, Annemarie Heinrich, Argentine photography, New Woman


This article explores creative options deployed by German-Argentine photographer Annemarie Heinrich through the use of multiple exhibitions and photographic montages, analyzing also the circulation of these images, their aesthetic perspectives, and their possible scope as productions developed by a female photographer. It is proposed to think of these photographic explorations as key procedures of the medium to expand the possibilities of representation and create a new imagined reality; a field for research that allowed Heinrich to expand her creativity and question the truth status of the photographic image, as well as to count on a way to develop her path as a photographer within the local and international photographic panorama.


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Author Biography

  • Julieta Pestarino, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Doctora en Historia y Teoría de las Artes (UBA), Magíster en Curaduría en Artes Visuales (UNTREF), Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA). Correo:


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HUYSSEN, Andreas. Después de la gran división. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2006.

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How to Cite

Pestarino, J. (2023). Multiple expositions photographic montages in Annemarie Heinrich’s Work. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 22(46), 228-243.