Brief reflections on mexican state liability institution and the proposal of its evolution to the remediation of the irregular state activity




State Liability, Human Rights, Remediation of Irregular State Activity


In México, attending permanent academic interest in perfecting the State Liability and building proposals for its evolution, one of the most recent and outstanding projects for this purpose is the "Remediation of the irregular activity of the State" authored by Magda Zulema Mosri Gutiérrez, so the objective of this paper is to resume and analyze its emerging paradigm, from a documentary and prospective legal methodology that contributes to the updating of the said institution as a means of protecting administered's human rights.


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How to Cite

Brief reflections on mexican state liability institution and the proposal of its evolution to the remediation of the irregular state activity. (2024). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 11(1), 85-101.