Friar Agostinho de Jesus (c. 1600/10-1661): a benedictine artist on the border between two worlds – the Portuguese and Spanish America


  • Rafael Schunk



Friar Agostinho de Jesus, Birth of Brazilian art, Sculpture


At the Piratininga plateau, São Paulo, Brazil, the first social relationships have been born through marriages between Tupis and Portugueses. The opposite of the secular Paraguayan society, made up of Spanish and Guaranis. These relationships, turned into a mix of cultures resulting in an idea of backwoods: miscegenation and freedom, ran away from Iberic control. The pioneers from São Paulo, “paulistas”, used the old indigenas ways, looking for wealth. They returned to the silver of Potosi, bringing their experience and missionary labor. Through the middle of the way, in Santana de Parnaíba, was friar Agostinho de Jesus, the first, and most important Brazilian artist. From 1643, friar Agostinho living with the Benedictines transformed the culture of Brazil, into a significant moment of national art. In Parnaíba, the master found an original and mixed society, creating masterpieces, standarts of sacred art in São Paulo, birth of national identity.

Author Biography

  • Rafael Schunk

    Graduado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pelo Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas e mestre em Artes Visuais, pela Unesp. Atua como pesquisador do Barroco brasileiro e cultura colonial e é autor de vários artigos na área. É técnico em seguros de obras de arte, crítico, curador e organizador de exposições artísticas, colecionador de arte barroca e artista plástico.


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SCHUNK, Rafael. Coleção Museu e Casarão. Vol. 1: Arte Colonial e Imperial da Cidade de Santana de Parnaíba, do século 17 ao 19. Prefeitura Municipal de Santana de Parnaíba, Cemic – Centro de Memória e Integração Cultural Bertha Morais Nérici, 2015.

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Dossiê: Viajantes