O filme amador em movimento: os filmes da família Bernas entre o êxodo e o exílio


  • Beatriz Rodovalho Université Paris 3



Palabras clave:

Amateur film, Home movie, Displacement, Colonialism, Exile


This article analyses the multiple discourses mobilized by home movies in displacement through the Bernas’s family films, which belong to the amateur film collection of the Forum des Images in Paris. The films shot by the amateur filmmaker Robert Bernas between 1936 and 1966 recorded the family’s displacements between Europe, Africa and North America. Four decades later, they have migrated from the intimate and private circle to the public sphere of the archive. In this context, this text seeks to map the possible readings of the role of the amateur camera as it traverses different territories of culture, memory and history.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Beatriz Rodovalho, Université Paris 3

    Doutoranda na Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle.

