Property Law and Environmental Regulation


  • Rafael Domingos Faiardo Vanzella


Enviromental regulation, Positive law.


The article aims at analyzing, within the context of Brazilian law, a premise of environmental regulation often held by US specialists: the assignment of property rights on environmental goods. From an environmental regulatory perspective, such assignment takes place when environmental goods, instead of being considered res nullius, become the object of a typology constructed from the dichotomy opposing public property versus private property. This typology has many particular characteristics in Brazilian law, whose comparative structure reveals that our law system still lacks a model of common property right capable of escaping the centralizing power of traditional notions of joint ownership. Nonetheless, such a model would be particularly suited to promote an ecocentric environmental regulation - as it is suggested by the experiences of human sustainable use of environmental goods - apart from being the most consistent with Brazilian´s constitutional principles on environmental regulation.


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How to Cite

Property Law and Environmental Regulation. (2006). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 101, 815-838.