Good living for the next generation: between subjectivity and common good from the perspective of eco-socio-economy


  • Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Craig David Parks Washington State University; Psychology Department
  • Oklinger Mantovaneli Junior Universidade Regional de Blumenau; Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Comunicação
  • Robert Joseph Quinlan Washington State University; Anthropology Department
  • Liliane Cristine Schlemer Alcântara Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Centro de Ciências Agrárias; Departamento de Desenvolvimento Rural



Good Living, Social And Environmental Dynamics, Subjectivity, Common Good


Good Living (GL) is an intriguing theme when apart from the consumer society. It is purposeless to discuss GL subjectively in the face of climate change, without associating it with the meaning of common good. The aim is to discuss GL, taking the interest of future generations into account, from the dialectic relationship between subjectivity and common good and the complementarity between human beings and nature. This is an essay. The discussion refers to the ecocentric perspective, which suggests that the social system is interconnected with the ecological system, especially when one considers the creation of GL for future generations. GL, more than just material, health and socio-educational conditions, is a particular state of happiness, in which different cultural patterns prevail. One does not deny abstracting economic logic - in which the subject calculates individual consequences, but territorially ignores the common good - and it does not prevail over or even determine production processes and human reproduction, from which arises the emptied subject. Finally, GL cannot be relegated to achievements of other generations, or else to a “cool” way of life, without responsibilities and decontextualized from future generations. Subjectivity and common good can be reconciled in a societal dimension that is not reduced to mere calculation and where human beings do not put aside, nor to others (politics) nor to themselves (psyche), in the production of the eco-socio-economical path, what makes an associated human life that does not systemically relegate its own process of socialization.


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How to Cite

Sampaio, C. A. C., Parks, C. D., Mantovaneli Junior, O., Quinlan, R. J., & Alcântara, L. C. S. (2017). Good living for the next generation: between subjectivity and common good from the perspective of eco-socio-economy. Saúde E Sociedade, 26(1), 40-50.