Programs for men who have used violence against women: an overview of interventions in Brazil




Men, Violence Against Women, Group Processes


Violence against women is considered a serious public health problem and a violation of rights around the world. As part of the policies to fight against this violence, the Maria da Penha Law foresees the participation of male perpetrators of violence (MPV) in care programs whose main activity is to hold reflective groups. This article presents a mapping of programs for MPV in Brazil conducted between 2015 and 2016. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research carried out in two steps. First, we found 41 programs from the five regions of Brazil, of which 26 answered a questionnaire with open and closed questions. We analyzed data according to four categories: program structure, methodology, monitoring and evaluation, and results and challenges. Second, we analyzed other mappings of Brazilian and international programs with MPV, as well as national and international documents that suggest guidelines for their execution. We found similarities between the programs and documents analyzed, such as the linkage with governmental bodies, basis on gender theories, and implementation of group interventions. Based on the dialogue between other mappings and studies and the findings of our analysis, the authors suggest minimum guidelines for holding reflective groups.


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How to Cite

Beiras, A., Nascimento, M., & Incrocci, C. (2019). Programs for men who have used violence against women: an overview of interventions in Brazil. Saúde E Sociedade, 28(1), 262-274.