The borderline case and the working world: an essay on consequences and perspectives


  • Kamila Ferreira Marinho Centro Universitário Metodista; IPA
  • Cleber Gibbon Ratto Centro Universitário La Salle



Assuming that the borderline case seems to be a new "normality" today, this article discusses the contemporary society in its ways of life and the im pact on the working world. The constant search for success and achievement consequently go through labor relations, which constitute the subject. No time for leisure! We have to produce. For the dis cussion we considered what we call "borderline case", elaborated from its phenomenological and non-structural dimension, and from the paradigm of individual psychopathology, but as a symptom of the culture in a society marked by impulsiveness, fragility of social bonds and the so-called "culture of narcissism". Through a psychoanalytic approach and brief description of the development of working methods and production over the years, we proposed a discussion of these new life dynamics involved in the working world, thinking, above all, in how this relationship is constructed in contemporaneity, in the context of a flexible capitalism.


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Original research articles

How to Cite

Marinho, K. F., & Ratto, C. G. (2016). The borderline case and the working world: an essay on consequences and perspectives . Saúde E Sociedade, 25(1), 171-185.