Assessment of Physical Parameters for Driving: Strength, Hearing, and Vision


  • Yuri Franco Trunckle Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho
  • Cristina Akemi Okamoto Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho
  • Caroline Machado Daitx Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho
  • Diego Toniolo do Prado Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho
  • Juliana Takitane Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho
  • Daniel Romero Muñoz Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho



Automobile Driving, Hand Strength, Hearing, Tinnitus, Vision, Ocular, Color Vision


According to the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), every person applying for the National Driver's License (CNH) must undergo the physical and mental aptitude tests. This evaluation, carried out by a physician specialized in Traffic Medicine, consists of an anamnesis, general physical examination, specific examinations and complementary examinations at the physician’s discretion. The specific evaluation involves several devices and systems; it includes the ophthalmological, otolaryngological, cardiorespiratory, and neurological, locomotor system and sleep disorder assessments. Based on the result of the tests, the medical expert can consider the applicant fit, fit with restrictions, temporarily unfit and unfit. Objectives: to evaluate health parameters (hand strength, vision and hearing) in employees and students of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine (FMUSP) based on Resolution 425 of the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN), which determines the rules for obtaining the CNH. Method: a standardized questionnaire was applied, followed by a directed clinical test, using the Raizamed® equipment. Results: of the 70 participants, 47 were able to drive. Of the 23 who presented alterations in the tests that made them temporarily or permanently unfit, 2 had problems with the visual field test; 15 with manual strength; 2 with glare reaction time; 2 with a combination of the visual field and manual strength tests; 1 with changes in visual and auditory acuity; and 1 with alterations in manual strength, visual field, visual acuity and reaction time to glare. Conclusion: drivers undergoing driving tests must be carefully and individually assessed so that each case has its peculiarities fully observed.


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Author Biography

  • Juliana Takitane, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho

    Pesquisadora Colaboradora do Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica e Medicina Social e do Trabalho da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Assessment of Physical Parameters for Driving: Strength, Hearing, and Vision. (2020). Saúde Ética & Justiça , 25(2), 63-72.