Endoparasites of donkeys (Equus asinus) used in commercial skin exploitation in the Northeast of Brazil
Ejiao, Endoparasitism, Equidae, MistreatmentAbstract
The present study identified the main endoparasites present in donkeys (Equus asinus) used in skin exploitation located in Cando municipality, Bahia State, Northeast of Brazil. The samples were collected from September 2019. Feces were collected from the rectal ampulla of 34 animals, macroscopically visualized for parasitic forms, and microscopically evaluated to identify endoparasites forms using the McMaster method. Parasitological results were associated with sex, age, and bodyweight Stata Corp LLC 14. Endoparasites were found in 82.3% of the animals, with the egg count ranging from 50 to 1050 eggs per gram (EPG). The sole presence of superfamily Trichostronglylidae was observed in 67.6% of the donkeys, in 8.8% co-infected by Trichostronglylidae and Eimeria spp., while Trichostronglylidae and Strongyloides westeri was detected in 2.9%, and simultaneous infection by Trichostronglylidae, Strongyloides westeri, and Oxyuris equi was observed in 2.9%. The occurrence of parasitic infections varies according to nutritional status, age, sex, and environmental exposure (p>0.05). A high occurrence of infection was observed in young animals and those with lower body weight.
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