Morphological aspects of the uterine tube in agouti (Dasyprocta aguti, Mammalia: Rodentia)
Histology, Uterine tube, Agouti, RodentsAbstract
It was analysed the uterine tube structure in Agouti. We have used three adult females, caming from Wild Animals Preservation and Study Nucleous of "Universidade Federal do Piauí". Soon after anaesthesia and euthanasia we got collected uterine tube fragments from cranial, medial and caudal regions. The cuts of 3 to 5m were stained with HE, and analysed and photographed with a light microscope. We could observed that the uterine tubes have three distincts stratums: mucous membrane, muscular and serous with histologicals differences that characterize the infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus regions. The uterine tube light is irregular, on cranial and medium portions. It is bigger and irregular than caudal portion. The mucous membrane is coat with simple columnar epithelium with ciliar and nonciliar cells. The own lamina, formed of slack conjunctive tissue, without glands, on ampulla region, become small and we can observe many cells. On isthmus mucous we observe ephithelial tissue with low cells. The muscular, constituted of smooth fibres, that is observed like a circular and longitudinal stratum, and the serous stratum full of vessels. Histologically, the uterine tube in Agouti is similar to the others domestic and wild animals.Downloads
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Fortes EA de M, Carvalho MAM de, Almeida MM de, Conde Júnior AM, Cruz NE de A, Assis-Neto AC de. Morphological aspects of the uterine tube in agouti (Dasyprocta aguti, Mammalia: Rodentia). Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2005 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 15];42(2):130-4. Available from: