Effect of the modified glucomannan in diets containing aflatoxin on the clinical parameters in sheep
Mycotoxin, Adsorbent, Leucocytes, Rumen, EweAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of modified glucomannan adsorbent (ADS) on the clinical, hematological and ruminal parameters in sheep subjected to diets containing aflatoxins (AFLA). Twenty two crossbred ewes (Corriedale vs Texel), aging 18 months were separated into four groups according to the addition of AFLA (1,5 PPM) or ADS (2 PPM) in the concentrate portion of the diet: animals receiving AFLA in the diet (AFLA; n=6); animals receiving AFLA and ADS in the diet (AFLA/ADS; n=6); animals receiving ADS in the diet (n=5) and control group, without addition of the ADS or AFLA in the diet (CONTROL; n=5). The diets were supplied during 42 days. Ruminal fluid was collected and analysed every seven days and the clinical evaluations (clinical examination, urinalysis, and hemogram) every 10 days. The addition of adsorbent increased the plasmatic concentration of eosinophiles. Clinical and ruminal parameters were not affected by the presence of adsorbent or aflatoxin into the diet. The modified glucomannan adsorbent influenced the leukocyte response of sheep, but no effect on ruminal function and clinical parameters.
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