Leucocitary picture of female buffaloes raised in Vale do Ribeira - São Paulo. Study of age and breed influences
Hematology (buffaloes), Leucocyte countAbstract
It was performed the leucocitary picture of 180 females buffaloes of the Jafarabadi, Hurrah and Mediterranea breeds, clinically healthy and created in the Vale do Ribeira region at Estado de São Paulo. The blood samples were obtained by puncture of jugular vein and collected in tubes containing 0.05 ml of a 10% EDTA solution. The counts of the global nunber of leucocytes were determined by Neubauer modified hemocytometer and the differential leucocytes counts were realized in blood smears stained by Rosenfeld's technique. The means of global counts and of the types of leucocytes were showed in tables according to the animal breeds and ages. There was not found any statistically difference among breeds. According to the increase of the female buffaloes age it was verified a significant decrease of the global number of leucocytes, absolute and relative values of total and typical limphocytes and absolute values of atypical limphocytes and a significant increase of the relative values of sepnented and total neutrophils and
absolute and relative values of eosinophils.
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