Morphology of the "funiculus umbilicalis" in wooless mongrel sheep (Ovis aries, L. 1758)
Umbilical funicle, Placenta, SheepsAbstract
Anatomical aspects of the umbilical cord of 30 unwoolly sheep in different stages of pregnancy, arising from Pernambuco State, were observed. It was verified single pregnancies (53.33%), and twin or triples pregnancies (46.66%). The material showed the presence of an allantoid duct, two arteries and two umbilical veins with a single exception, where were evidenced, in the umbilical funiculum female foetus, two arteries and one vein. By histological findings, obtained by transversal section of the umbilical funiculum, it was evidenced that the disposition of the vessels varied according to the sectioned portion. In the epsilateral foetal portion, each pack of artery and vein was positioned laterally to the allantoid duct occupying different planes. In the intermediary portion the veins tended to the same plane of the arteries and at the placenta epsilateral portion, the veins runned in only one plane making up one row of vessels. Was obtained a variation regarding to the funiculum length of 5.0 to 21.5 centimetre in length with an average of 12.24 centimetre in a foetus with approximately 2 to 5 months of intrauterine life. It was evidenced anastomosis (26.66%), 16.66% were of convergent type and 10% of transversal type.Downloads
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Almeida JM de, Santos RMB, Miglino MA, Morais-Pinto L de. Morphology of the "funiculus umbilicalis" in wooless mongrel sheep (Ovis aries, L. 1758). Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2000 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];37(3):189-93. Available from: