“Die Helige Bahn”: caminhos filosóficos e sendas poéticas em um poema de Friedrich Hölderlin


  • Carolina Meire de Faria Sem Registro de Afiliação




Hölderlin, poetry, translation


The German poet Friedrich Hölderlin wrote, between 1788 and 1793, a series of poems, hymns and elegies. Among these texts is the “Die heilige Bahn”, an incomplete poem, conceived in 1787, when the poet was studying at the monastery in the city of Maulbronn. This work is not found in the collections available that cover the period of the Tübingen phase, until this moment, in Brazil. Therefore, our translation proposal aims to disseminate an unpublished text in Portuguese, contributing to the knowledge of a poem that we consider to be of great reflexive power. Furthermore, we propose that “Die heilige Bahn” already expresses the seeds of the poet’s philosophical project, whose analysis is necessary. Another objective refers to the interest in contributing to the studies of youth texts by Höderlin.


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How to Cite

“Die Helige Bahn”: caminhos filosóficos e sendas poéticas em um poema de Friedrich Hölderlin. (2023). Cadernos De Literatura Em Tradução, 26, 125-136. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5388.i26p125-136