Training of university professors and their meaning for inclusive education


  • Fernanda Vilhena Mafra Bazon Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Elaine Gomes Matheus Furlan Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Paulo Cezar de Faria Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Daniele Lozano Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Claudia Gomes Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Palabras clave:

Training of university professors, Inclusive education, Higher education


Exploring the theme of inclusive education requires that we discuss the training of teachers and their trainers, concerning the practices and meanings about human diversity. The goal of this paper is to analyze the training and practices of professors working in graduate courses with teaching degrees in relation to inclusive assumptions. In order to do so, the responses to the self-filling instrument applied in 26 professors who took part in the courses in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Physics of two federal public universities were analyzed through the qualitative research approach described by González Rey. In general, the data show that the training of trainers referring to school inclusion and learning of students with special educational needs is little to none. Attitudinal barriers could also be noticed in some of the responses, demonstrating that this is a problem that is far from being overcome and constitutes an obstacle to the success of the inclusive process. In addition to these factors, it was evident that there is little institutional support and that the conditions for inclusion in the participating universities still require major changes for the process to be effective. We understand that the results can offer subsidies to a broaden discussion on the field of teacher training, also contributing to (re)thinking the teaching practices in the spaces involved


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Cómo citar

Training of university professors and their meaning for inclusive education. (2019). Educação E Pesquisa, 44, e176672.