First schooling: teacher's participation in the elaboration of the narcissistic contract and institutionalization of the child


  • Véronique Kannengiesser Université de Picardie Jules Verne



First schooling, Institutionalization, Narcissistic contract, Clinical, Psychoanalysis


In the present writing, it is a question of approaching certain mental processes at work when establishing the link between the child and the social group at the moment of its entry into the nursery school. The author starts by giving some elements to characterize the clinical approach of psychoanalytic orientation in the sciences of education in which his reflection is inscribed and by which it seeks to understand how subjects, groups and institutions are formed. Thus it shows that the institutionalization of the child, which aims not only to produce a pupil to whom instituted knowledge is transmitted but also a citizen participating in the dialectic establishing / instituted within the institutions, contributes to the psychic unconscious at the establishment of the narcissistic contract that binds the subject and the whole. The article provides some descriptive and analytical elements of a situation observed in a small nursery school class to defend the idea that if institutionalization is a process in which the child participates (which becomes institutionalized), the teaching by his accompaniment, occupying a place of spokesperson, plays a major role in the development of the report of the child to the institutional thing and the social group.


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Author Biography

  • Véronique Kannengiesser, Université de Picardie Jules Verne

    Professora em Ciências da Educação e Formação, laboratorio CAREF (EA4697), Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, Amiens, França.


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How to Cite

Kannengiesser, V. (2019). First schooling: teacher’s participation in the elaboration of the narcissistic contract and institutionalization of the child. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 24(3), 458-470.