Críticas a la teoría de la esfera pública de Jürguen Habermas


  • David Corcho Hernández
  • Daniel Salas González



Deliberation, public sphere, Habermas, Democracy, Communication


The present article examines the relationship between political philosophy and theory of communication in Habermas`s paradigm of public sphere. It focuses o the connection between public and individual reason, public spheres and state and, finally, between discursive practices and the structure of modern communication. The most important objective of the article is to explore what are the conditions in which political subjects take part in the public arena. Without pretensions to compile all possible critics to Habermas`s theory, this article relates opinions of prominent authors like Chantal Mouffe, John B. Thompson, Jacques Rancière, among others.


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How to Cite

Hernández, D. C., & González, D. S. (2016). Críticas a la teoría de la esfera pública de Jürguen Habermas. Revista Extraprensa, 9(2), 142-157.