“You are not alone there”: categorization of live streaming consumption dynamics


  • Vanessa Amália Dalpizol Universidade Feevale
  • Cândida Marlei Portolan Universidade Feevale




Livestreaming, Media consumption, Cultural consumption, Creative industry, Theory of practice


This research discusses the consumption practices related to livestreams on digital platforms, their individual and collective implications, from the perspective of theory of practice. It seeks to identify, analyze, and categorizethe consumption dynamics reported in qualitative research, considering their material aspects, competencies of use and meaning production. We observe the consumption of meanings with purpose, the transfer of consumption on cultural devices to the digital environment, the reconfiguration of consumption capabilities, and the appropriation of livestreaming as a personalized space of interaction. Hence, we glimpse a map of practices intersected and recalculated by spontaneous processes, all integrated by the experience of liveness.


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Author Biographies

  • Vanessa Amália Dalpizol, Universidade Feevale

    PhD in Communication and Information. Professor and researcher at Feevale University (Master in Creative Industry). Research Group on Digital Communication, Culture and Consumption (C3Dig).

  • Cândida Marlei Portolan , Universidade Feevale

    Especialista en Producción y Gestión de Contenidos Digitales (Feevale University). Miembro de C3Dig – Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación, Cultura y Consumo Digital.


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How to Cite

Vanessa Amália Dalpizol, & Portolan , C. M. (2023). “You are not alone there”: categorization of live streaming consumption dynamics. Revista Extraprensa, 16(2), 19-37. https://doi.org/10.11606/extraprensa2023.203972

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