Produção do mundo colonial: homo sacer, a produção da vida nua e necropolítica


  • Denis Martins Universidade de São Paulo



Colonialism, Naked lives, Necropolitics, Race and racism


This article aims to investigate the structures of violence, brutality, and destruction that constituted the colonization process. For this endeavor, we analyzed the concept of colonial violence by Frantz Fanon, the concepts of Homo sacer and nude lives by Giorgio Agamben, and the concept of necropolitics developed by Achille Mbembe. Our central objective is to verify how colonizing nations used deadly instruments of sovereign domination to reduce colonized territories and their population to absolute conditions of exploitation and killability. Furthermore, we analyzed how the colonial power, with its sovereignty and its power to legally promote a permanent state of exception, produced bodies linked to an inclusion-exclusive system, that is, individuals and entire populations included in a system of exclusion, for the sake of de development of capitalism and of modernity.


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Author Biography

  • Denis Martins, Universidade de São Paulo

    Teacher; specialist in production in the São Paulo territory; social, spatial and political organization of the outskirts of the city of São Paulo; race, racism and anti-racist education.
    Geographer; master and doctoral candidate from the Social Change and Political Participation Program - PROMUSPP (USP), with an emphasis on anti-racist education and decoloniality of knowledge.


AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: o poder soberano e a vida nua. 2 ed. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2010.

FANON, Frantz. Os condenados da terra. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1968.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Em defesa da sociedade: curso no Collège de France (1975-1976). São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão. 34 ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2007.

MBEMBE, Achille. Necropolítica: biopoder, soberania, estado de exceção, política da morte. São Paulo: N-1 Edições, 2018.

NASCIMENTO, Abdias do. O genocídio negro no Brasil: processo de um racismo mascarado. 3 ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2016.



How to Cite

Martins, D. (2023). Produção do mundo colonial: homo sacer, a produção da vida nua e necropolítica. Revista Extraprensa, 16(Especial), 87-103.