Spatiality and aestheticization in the novel 10:04, by Ben Lerner


  • Matheus Camargo Jardim Universidade de São Paulo



Literature, Spatiality, Aestheticization, Ben Lerner, 10:04


The aim of this text is to map the representation of space and the process of aestheticization through a close reading of the first paragraph and homologous excerpts from the novel 10:04, by Ben Lerner. Through analysis, we will demonstrate how the author employs aesthetic elements by selecting and organizing concrete material data, and how this articulation expresses the compositional technique of montage.


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Author Biography

  • Matheus Camargo Jardim, Universidade de São Paulo

    Matheus Camargo Jardim desenvolve atualmente trabalho de mestrado que se concentra no romance 10:04, de Ben Lerner. Esse projeto é realizado sob o Programa de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), com a orientação do Prof. Dr. Marcos Cesar de Paula Soares, e conta com o apoio financeiro da CAPES. Contato:


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How to Cite

Spatiality and aestheticization in the novel 10:04, by Ben Lerner. (2023). Magma, 19, 58-75.