Technical assistance in indigenous lands: the design and construction of the Xakriabá House of Culture




Technical assistance, Architecture and urbanism, Indigenous people, House of Culture. Xakriabá


This paper discusses aspects of technical consulting in architecture and urbanism based on the case study of the planning and construction of the Xakriabá House of Culture. First, there are arguments from researchers who claim that planning concentrated on architects limits the freedom of decision and action of the people who will be impacted by the change in their living spaces. It is also argued that, in order to overcome this condition, the technical assistance must emphasize the production process, rather than the product to be built, and that a possible action would be to expand the technological possibilities and the constructive knowledge of those being assisted. In the sequence is the description of the origin, planning, the work of the construction team, the use of construction materials and techniques, and the post-occupation of the House of Culture. Finally, the case study is analyzed. The main conclusions are: (1) the presence of an architectural project in a stage prior to construction limited the autonomy of the indigenous people, and (2) the socio-technical adaptations that were promoted, although concentrated in a few people, can increase the autonomy of the Xakriabá to produce their living spaces.


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How to Cite

Campos, T. B. de. (2023). Technical assistance in indigenous lands: the design and construction of the Xakriabá House of Culture. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 30(56), e202774.