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Author Guidelines

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Form and  preparation of  manuscripts

Technical features of the articles

Articles submitted for evaluation for publication must have the following technical characteristics: 

• Format: Page – A4; .Doc; Font – Times New Roman, size 12; Paragraph – before and after, “0” points, between the lines “1.5”, justified alignment; Margins – left, right, top and bottom of page, 2 cm. 

• The author(s) should not be identified in the body of the text or in the file properties.

• Articles should be no longer than 25 pages, including the notes and bibliographic references. Each should have an abstract highlighting the objective, method, results and conclusions of the research, plus three to five keywords. Abstract and keywords should be included in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with a view to international dissemination of the material.

• Notes should be numbered sequentially and presented before the bibliographic references.

• The bibliographic references should be cited in the body of the article, indicating the surname of the author(s), and year and page of the publication. They should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text, complying with ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standard   NBR-6023.

• Articles are to be submitted via, using the “Envie seu Trabalho” [Submit your work] section.

Sending the manuscripts



The author and coauthors should be registered or should register with RAUSP via its website and follow the steps found in the site for submission of their article. 


In this website, the author and coauthors should answer the following questions, clearly and concisely: 

• What is your article’s main message?

• What are the implications of this message? What is new, different, useful, counterintuitive or important about this message?  

• What is this article’s target audience?

After answering these questions, the author(s) will be able to evaluate the quality of the article him (them)selves and perhaps identify possibilities for its improvement.


The articles submitted will be evaluated by an Ad Hoc Body of Evaluators, using the double blind review system. This means that throughout the process, the author(s) is(are) not revealed to the Evaluators and vice-versa.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.