Every object is an image

Sauerbruch Hutton according to Harun Farocki





Theory of Architecture, Critique of Architecture, Architecture (XXI Century), Farocki, Harun (1944-2014), Sauerbruch Hutton (architecture practice)


Harun Farocki's last film, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects (2013), is studied by comparing it to other works by the director and analyzing its scenes. The article elaborates what is the position of this office regarding architecture as a producer of images, and then verifies what is its underlying spatiality. As a result, one can see how the aesthetic projects of Harun Farocki and the Sauerbruch Hutton office are aligned.


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Author Biography

  • Raphael Grazziano, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    PhD at the College of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP, 2014-2019), in the area of History and Tenets of Architecture and Urbanism. Member of the research group Critical Thinking and Contemporary City (PC3). Bachelor in philosophy at the College of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP; 2017), and in architecture and urbanism at FAUUSP (2012). He has a stint at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV; 2010-2011) during the undergraduation studies, and was Visiting Assistant in Research at Yale University (2018) during the PhD. He was editor's assistant in Pós, academic journal at FAUUSP (2016-2018). Grazziano has papers published in journals and proceedings, both in Brazil and internationally, about history and theory of modern architecture and urbanism, environmental architecture, contemporary architecture and global cities.


ARANTES, Pedro Fiori. Arquitetura na era digital-financeira: desenho, canteiro e renda da forma. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2012.

BERGDOLL, Barry. Sustainable colors and non-standard forms. On Sauerbruch Hutton’s recent work. 2G, n. 52 Sauerbruch Hutton, p. 4–15, 2009.

BETSKY, Aaron. Sauerbruch & Hutton: Against type. El Croquis, v. 114 [I]-Sauerbruch Hutton 1997-2003: Against type, p. 18–25, 2003.

BETSKY, Aaron; SAUERBRUCH, Matthias; HUTTON, Louisa. Pleasurable and essential: colour and content in the work of Sauerbruch & Hutton [a conversation]. El Croquis, v. 114 [I]-Sauerbruch Hutton 1997-2003: Against type, p. 6–17, 2003.

FOSTER, Hal. Vision quest: the cinema of Harun Farocki. Artforum, v. 43, n. 3, p. 156–161, 250, nov. 2004.

FOSTER, Hal. O complexo arte-arquitetura. [Ed. orig. 2013] ed. São Paulo: CosacNaify, 2015.

PANTENBURG, Volker. Working images: Harun Farocki and the operational image. In: EDER, Jens; KLONK, Charlotte (Eds.). Image operations: visual media and political conflict. Manchester, Reino Unido: Manchester University Press, 2017. p. 49–62.

SAUERBRUCH, Matthias; HUTTON, Louisa. Twenty years. 2G, n. 52 Sauerbruch Hutton, p. 136–143, 2009.

URSPRUNG, Philip. Images on the move: Sauerbruch Hutton and the two Germanys. 2G, n. 52 Sauerbruch Hutton, p. 16–23, 2009.

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MOURÃO, Patrícia. Harun Farocki por Patrícia Mourão. 16 out. 2019. Disponível em: < https://youtu.be/XtoZSjH_jws>. Acesso em: 13 mar. 2020

BERGER, John. Modos de ver [Ways of seeing]. BBC, 120 min, 1972.

FAROCKI, Harun. Fogo inextinguível [Nicht löschbares Feuer], 25 min, 1969.

FAROCKI, Harun. Uma imagem [Ein Bild], 25 min, 1983.

FAROCKI, Harun. Doutrinação [Die Schulung]. SWF, Baden-Baden, 44 min, 1987.

FAROCKI, Harun. Reciclagem [Die Umschulung], 44 min, 1994.

FAROCKI, Harun. A saída dos operários da fábrica [Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik], 36 min, 1995.

FAROCKI, Harun. Natureza morta [Stilleben], 56 min, 1997.

FAROCKI, Harun. Imagens da prisão [Gefängnisbilder], 80 min, 2000.

FAROCKI, Harun. Os criadores dos impérios das compras [Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten], 72 min, 2001.

FAROCKI, Harun. Reconhecer e perseguir [Erkennen und Verfolgen], 58 min, 2003.

FAROCKI, Harun. Capital de risco [Nicht ohne Risiko], 50 min, 2004.

FAROCKI, Harun. Intervalo [Aufschub], 40 min, 2007.

FAROCKI, Harun. Em comparação [Zum Vergleich], 61 min, 2009.

FAROCKI, Harun. A prata e a cruz [Das Silber und das Kreuz], 17 min, 2010.

FAROCKI, Harun. Um novo produto [Ein neues Produkt], 37 min, 2012.

FAROCKI, Harun. Sauerbruch Hutton Arquitetos [Sauerbruch Hutton Architekten], 73 min, 2013.

FAROCKI, Harun; EHMANN, Antje. Plano-sequência sobre o trabalho [Eine einstellung zur arbeit], 2011-2014. Disponível em: <https://labour-in-a-single-shot.net/>. Acesso em 16 mar. 2020.

FAROCKI, Harun; UJICA, Andrei. Videogramas de uma revolução [Videogramme einer Revolution], 106 min, 1992.

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POLLACK, Sydney. Sketches of Frank Gehry. Sony Pictures Classics, 86 min, 2006.



How to Cite

Grazziano, R. (2020). Every object is an image: Sauerbruch Hutton according to Harun Farocki. Revista ARA, 8(8), 167-189. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-8354.v8i8p167-189