The narrative of travelers in Piauí

an approximation with the theory of reception aesthetics


  • Marina Lages Gonçalves Teixeira Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (IAU)
  • Maria Ângela Pereira e Castro Bortolucci



Narrative, Travelers, Piauí, Reception Aesthetics, Hans Robert Jauss


This paper uses the Theory of Reception Aesthetics, started by Hans Robert Jauss, to discuss the narrative of travelers who traveled through the territory of Piauí, using as a case study two trips led by Artur Neiva and Belisário Pena, through the IOCS institutions  and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in 1912; and Paulo Thedim Barreto, by SPHAN, in 1938. The proposed study treats travelers as readers of a defined space, Piauí, which we consider to be literature, so we present three axes of analysis: the first, the horizon of expectations - or mundivivencial - of travelers; the second, about the aesthetic implications, where it is intended to start the discussion of Brazil dos Sertões and the narrative without borders; The last axis addresses the historical implications and the chain of receptions involved, where the issue of the historical and literary narrative on the hinterlands is addressed, addressing the construction of symbolic and cultural elements on the theme.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, M. L. G., & Pereira e Castro Bortolucci, M. Ângela. (2020). The narrative of travelers in Piauí: an approximation with the theory of reception aesthetics. Revista ARA, 9(9), 53-75.