Fun Selfies: a series of images about the artists' images.


  • Marcos Rizolli Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Contemporary Art, Visual Poetics, Art Criticism, Appropriation, Image


The Fun Selfies digital photography series presents itself as artistic acts interested in thinking about the universe of artistic images through the appropriation of images by the artists themselves, initially disregarding the works they produced and that highlighted them in the History of Art. To, later, rescue their artisticities in open dialogues with their productions – visualities, processes, creative methods.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos Rizolli, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

    Professor Doutor Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Programa Educação, Arte e História da Cultura


LOURENÇO, M.C.F. Excertos mínimos extraídos do texto Outro Ato. São Paulo: Revista ARA, 2021. Disponível em

DUCHAMP. M. Entrevista a W. Seitz. New York: Vogue, 1963.

FERRARI, S. Arte Contemporânea. Lisboa: Presença, 2001.

LISPECTOR, C. A paixão segundo G.H. Rio de janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1979.

MELLO, R.L.S, Texto de apresentação da exposição virtual FUN SELFIES. Instagram: @arte.linguagens.contemporaneas, 2021.

VAUTIER, B. Arte = Ben. Entrevista a E. Lebeer. Paris: L’Art Vivant, 1973.

VAN GOGH, V. Carta ao irmão Theo, Fac-símile. Amsterdam: van Gogh Museum, 1882.

VENTURI, L. Histoire de la critique d’art. Paris: Flammarion, 1969.



How to Cite

Rizolli, M. (2021). Fun Selfies: a series of images about the artists’ images. Revista ARA, 11(11), 153-167.