Memory and Representation of the recent past: the Reconverted Portuguese Industrial Heritage in Évora and Guimarães




Cultural Heritage, Social Memory, Social Representations, Architectural Rehabilitation, Industrial Architecture


The article examines examples of Portuguese industrial heritage that recover the memory of the place and the representation of manufacturing activities from the recent past. The Polo dos Leões, a former pasta factory in Évora, readapted for the teaching of arts and architecture, and two reconverted tanneries in Guimarães, one as the Institute of Design of the University of Minho and the other as a science centre are analysed.


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Author Biographies

  • Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-UNIRIO

    Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima holds a BA in Architecture, an MSc. in Art History, and Ph.D. in Social History (UFRJ) with a doctoral internship at the École des hautes études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and a postdoctoral Fellowship at Paris X-Nanterre. She is a Full Professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro and is a researcher for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-1A), and FAPERJ Foundation (Scientist of Our State). Lima publishes on History of Architecture and Cultural Heritage and has presented works at numerous international and national conferences. She is the leader of the Research Groups: 'Space, Memory, and Urban Project' and 'Studies of Theater Spaces.' Lima published 'Contemporary Theater Buildings' (2022); 'Theater Architecture from Renaissance to the 21st Century' (2017), and 'Architectures and Scenography. Lina Bo Bardi and the Theatre' (2012, with Monteiro); 'Architecture and Theatre: From Palladio to Portzamparc' (2010 with Cardoso), 'From the Avant-guards to Tradition (2006), Architecture for the Spectacle (2000/Institute of Architects of Brazil Award), Avenida Presidente Vargas: a drastic surgery (1990/ Olga Verjovski Award), between others. She directed the documentaries 'Industrial Heritage and Artistic Practices' (2022) and 'Contemporary Theater Architecture in the State of Rio de Janeiro' (2017). Lima directed the Cultural Heritage Department of Rio de Janeiro (1990-1993) and is the head of UNIRIO's Laboratory on Theatre Space and Urban Memory Studies since 1994. 

  • Isabel Maria Gonçalves Bezelga, Universidade de Évora

    Isabel Bezelga holds a PhD in Theatre from the University of Évora and specialises in Theatre Education and Artistic Intercultural Methodologies. She research in the scope of participatory artistic practices at the Research Centre in Art History and Artistic Creation (CHAIA-UE). She also collaborates at the Institute for Literature and Tradition Studies - Heritage, Arts and Cultures (IELT/FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and the Research Centre in Education and Psychology (CIEP -UE). He has supervised post-doctoral, doctoral and master's studies in the areas of Theatre, Community Theatre and Education and has given evidence in Portuguese and Brazilian HEIs, organized international academic meetings and collaborated in Journals, Academic jury and awards. His work has been published in books and specialized journals interacting frequently with co-authors of scientific works. She is an Associated Professor at the School of Arts - University of Évora where she teaches in the Departments of Performing Arts and Pedagogy and Education. She is currently Course Director of the Master in Theatre - Acting/Directing. She was Course Director of the Theatre Degrees and Member Theatre Dir. Course of Education.

  • Carolina Carolina Lyra , Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, Politécnico do Porto

    Carolina Lyra has a BA in Scenography and a PhD in Performing Arts from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro- UNIRIO (2020). She teaches at ESMAE, Polytechnic of Porto (2023). She is a researcher at the Laboratory for Theatre Space and Urban Memory (Unirio) and the Center for Art History and Artistic Research at the University of Évora. The topics of interest for her research in Brazil and Portugal include Anthropophagy, Theatre, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, and the city. She is the author of the book É preciso ouvir o homem [Nu]: um estudo sobre a poética de Flavio de Carvalho. (Appris, 2023).


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Funding data

How to Cite

Lima, E. F. W., Bezelga, I. M. G. ., & Carolina Lyra , C. (2023). Memory and Representation of the recent past: the Reconverted Portuguese Industrial Heritage in Évora and Guimarães. Revista ARA, 15(15), 45-72.