Necropolitics and memory in the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of justice and reparation initiatives in Brazil




COVID-19 Pandemic, Memory, Justice, Reparation, Necropolitics


This article explores the formation and operation of what we call the "necrosystem of the pandemic" during the Covid-19 crisis in Brazil. We discuss initiatives for justice and reparation, the constitution of an evidence archive, a necropolitical map, a public opinion survey in favor of judgment, and finally, we propose curatorial guidelines for the creation of a Pandemic Memorial.


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Author Biographies

  • Pedro Fiori Arantes, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Architect and Urban Planner, Master's and Ph.D. from FAU USP, he is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo, in the Department of Art History. He is one of the coordinators of the SoU_Ciência Center at Unifesp, email:

  • Vanessa Sígolo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Social Scientist (USP) and Bachelor in International Relations (PUC-SP), Master in Latin American Integration (USP), and Ph.D. and Post-Doc in Sociology (USP), currently doing a postdoctoral fellowship at the SoU_Ciência Center of Unifesp, email:

  • Pâmela Ghisleni, Associação de Vítimas e Familiares de Vítimas da COVID-19

    Professor and Attorney. Master's in Human Rights (UNIJUÍ/RS). Vice-President for Legal Affairs of AVICO-BRASIL – Association of Victims and Families of Victims of Covid-19, email:


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How to Cite

Arantes, P. F., Sígolo, V., & Ghisleni, P. (2023). Necropolitics and memory in the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of justice and reparation initiatives in Brazil. Revista ARA, 15(15), 287-315.