Singer and microphone singer

a conceptual discussion on music, popular music and the culture industry


  • Rubens Russomanno Ricciardi University of São Paulo



Singing, Microphone Singing, Art, Popular Art, Culture Industry


In the article there is a conceptual study on singing. Because of the culture industry, the ancient song came to be called lyrical song. This expression, however, does not make sense. The corner of the culture industry was sovereign in the dictatorship of public opinion. But it is a type of recent history of about a century. The article proposes that, in a historical musicological perspective, it would be more appropriate to call singing in art and popular art simply singing, whereas singing in the microphone singing culture industry.


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Author Biography

  • Rubens Russomanno Ricciardi, University of São Paulo

    Professor of the Music Department at FFCLRP-USP, Rubens Russomanno Ricciardi is a composer, conductor, pianist and musicologist. Graduated (Degree in Music) from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo and with a specialization (Musicology) from the Humboldt University of Berlin, his academic career includes Master's (dissertation on Hanns Eisler), Doctorate (thesis on Manuel Dias de Oliveira) , Lecturer (thesis in Musical Poetics) and Contest for Full Professor (performance in conducting / piano) by ECA-USP. His lines of research are Philosophy of Music and Brazilian Music: history, performance-interpretation, compositional and editorial processes. Founder of the Music Course at USP in Ribeirão Preto, with his pioneering bachelor's degree in Viola Caipira, he is also the founder and artistic director of Ensemble Mentemanuque (group dedicated to contemporary music) and USP-Filarmônica (academic orchestra composed of scholarship students from USP) . He is also, at USP, a professor responsible for the Música Nova Festival “Gilberto Mendes”, coordinator and founder of the Research Center for Music Performance Sciences (NAP-CIPEM), of the Arts Memory Center, of the USP-Música-Criança Project and the Concertos USP / São Carlos and Concertos USP / Theatro Pedro II series, respectively in the cities of São Carlos and Ribeirão Preto. His symphonic work Candelárias was awarded in Mexico. He has articles and book chapters published in Brazil, Portugal and Germany. His chamber and symphonic compositions have been performed in music centers in Brazil, North America (Canada, USA and Mexico) and Europe (Spain, Switzerland, Italy and Germany). He is a reviewer for FAPESP and Revista da Tulha.


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How to Cite

Singer and microphone singer: a conceptual discussion on music, popular music and the culture industry. (2020). Revista Da Tulha, 6(1), 110-139.