Sacred and Profane in Music




Thrasybulos Georgiades, Western Music History, Music and Language, Sacred Music, Profane Music


 Thrasybulos Georgiades was one of the most important German musicologists of the Twentieth-Century, but he still isn’t well known in our country. His researches are centered in music relationships with language along history, from ancient Greece until modernity. The text that is translated here from the German to Portuguese was a speech delivered by Georgiades on the occasion of the 488° foundation anniversary of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, in the Sixties. The text appeared later, in 1977, in Georgiade’s Kleine Schriften, a collection of his best essays. It is a text that serves well as an introduction to Georgiades musicological work by treating the essential changes that affected the relationship among music and language along the history of Western Music, a history that is reflected in the text as a process of increasing secularization. The text can be read also as an introduction to the central issue of his musicological thought.    


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Author Biographies

  • Thrasybulos Georgiades, Instituto de Musicologia da Universidade Ludwig Maximilian de Munique

    Thrasybulos Georgios Georgiades (1907-1977) was a Greek musicologist, pianist, civil engineer and philosopher. He was for many years director of the Institute of Musicology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and he is widely regarded as one of the greatest German musicologists.

  • Igor Baggio, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

    Pianista e pesquisador, mestre em música (UNESP – 2009) e doutor em filosofia (USP – 2015). Autor do livro O dodecafonismo tardio de Adorno (EDUNESP – 2011).


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