There is no détournement over the emptiness: The production of space by devaluation, updating and transformation of existing elements




détournement, method, production of space


The article proposes the situationist détournement as a method for production of space in the contemporary city. Détournementusurps or copies existing elements without referencing their owners, by devaluing, updating, and transforming their materiality into a new and critical set. Manifestations of détournementin different media are analyzed chronologically to organize the process of concept formation, from the cinema of Letterism, the metagraphies and texts of the International Letterist and the Imaginist Bauhaus visual arts to its systematization as a method in “A user’s guide to détournement”, applied on the daily life of the Situationist International. Architectural and urban space are taken as supports to be détourned, which can have its design intentions and historical meanings subverted through collective actions.


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How to Cite

Castro, L. F. de. (2022). There is no détournement over the emptiness: The production of space by devaluation, updating and transformation of existing elements. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 20, 170-184.