MEVIR and the housing of the population in extreme poverty in rural areas: the “Rural Housing Emergency” programme




Non-regular settlement, Spread out population, Peasant family


In this article we report, based on our participation in the previous management of the institute, an experience developed by MEVIR-Dr. Alberto Gallinal Heber for the access to housing of the population living in extreme poverty in rural areas of Uruguay. After a brief summary of the " Integrated Plans for Local Projects" (PIPL), an intervention modality initiated in 2015, the methodology that MEVIR designed for the "Rural Irregular Settlements" Program is presented. We indicate the definitions assumed and show three cases, each one in a different state of progress within the process until our withdrawal in May 2020, where a response with high inter-institutionalism was tested. The interventions were completed in August 2021 by the current MEVIR administration.


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Author Biography

  • Gonzalo Tejera Balarini, Universidade de la República

    Professor adjunto de proyecto de arquitectura y urbanismo, Universidade de la República, Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Balarini, G. T. (2023). MEVIR and the housing of the population in extreme poverty in rural areas: the “Rural Housing Emergency” programme. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 21, 91-114.