Notes From the Underground, or why were Russian Formalism and Structuralism Resisted by Soviet Non-Marxist Intellectuals?




Structuralism, Theory, Literary theory, Russian formalism


In this paper I analyze what I call “Soviet resistance to theory”. Based on three brief study cases, I discuss how this resistance was not confined to the West and to the intrinsic exhaustion of the trust in language to secure access to truth. I argue that the specific resistance to Russian Formalism and to Structuralism, one of the most expressive branches of which originated precisely outside Marxist tradition, had its own rationale and a subtle dynamic in the Soviet Union, a society in which theoretical innovation could and did at times display unexpected complicities with the ideological mainstream.


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How to Cite

Tihanov, G. (2023). Notes From the Underground, or why were Russian Formalism and Structuralism Resisted by Soviet Non-Marxist Intellectuals?. RUS (Sao Paulo), 14(25), 13-28.